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What to Expect From Your First Visit

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Upon booking your initial assessment you can expect to spend 60 minutes with your practitioner - offering a thorough dive into all things your body and wellness.


Your Naturopathic Doctor will go through your past medical history, labs and imaging and current concerns. This may be followed by a physical exam and consideration of further testing. Once all the pieces are gathered together, a plan will be set that aligns with your goals and addresses the root cause of your concern.

Meet Our Team of Experts

At Coal Harbour Naturopathic Clinic, we believe in the power of nature to restore balance and promote optimal health. Our team of experienced and licensed naturopathic doctors is dedicated to helping our patients achieve optimal health through personalized treatment plans. 

Dr. Farah Menyawi, ND

Dr. Farah Menyawi, ND; Her goal is to meet the patients where they are at and support them.

For as long as Farah can remember, she’s always wanted to be in a field learning about the human body. This led her to her first degree at the University of British Columbia where she specialized in Cellular and Developmental biology.


After graduation, Farah knew that she wanted to take her curiosity outside of the lab and apply it to a more people-centred career. Farah immediately resonated with the foundations of Naturopathic Medicine and began her journey to become a Naturopathic Doctor.


Farah aspires to approach interactions with an open mind and curiosity towards science, culture, individual human experience and how they all intersect. Farah hopes to create an openness that lends to genuine conversation. Her goal is to meet her patients where they are at and support them with a plan that is not only attainable but also sustainable.


Can’t wait to meet you!


Initial Consultation 

An opportunity for a deep dive into your health

Establish goals

Identify the next steps for treatment


May include a physical exam Laboratory testings Recommendations for imaging

Strategic Treatment Plan

Review results and explore roots causes

Create a plan that is personalized

Establish monitoring plan


Continued optimization of lifestyle Prevention of recurrence Establishing foundations of health

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